Sunday, December 5, 2010


After a great weekend, I was actually looking forward to going grocery shopping for some yummy grain-free foods. I even had a couple of recipes that I want to try out this week. If they work I'll definitely post them here!

This is where the fun stopped. Not only did I not leave for the grocery store until late, my local HEB did not have the ingredients I needed for my recipes. Bummer. So after searching high and low, asking no less than 4 people for things, I gave up and decided to call it a night. I was frustrated that I will probably have to make a trip to Whole Foods tomorrow to finish off my list.

So now it's already late and my dear husband calls and informs me that both he and Ansley are starving and that I don't have time to cook anything when I get home. Pick up food it is. This is where I need a massive overhaul. We eat out entirely too much because of a lack of preparation and time management on my part. I need to figure out some easy, primal-type foods that I can cook quickly. Okay, back to the conundrum...

Hubby says to stop at Burger King. A familiar feeling starts in the pit of my stomach. That feeling of, "well, I know I should make a good decision, but I'm starving and it's not going to hurt anything to have a burger and fries this one time." I made the good decision and got a salad from the menu. Onward I go.

At home, I anxiously pullnout my "salad" and immediately wonder what I've wasted my hard earned money on. The salad is lettuce, 4 baby carrots, a bit of cheese. I also get a package of croutons, and this is what totally grossed me out, a separate baggie of "grilled" chicken. I made the mistake of touching the chicken and I promise I threw up in my mouth a little bit. It was description on here would do it no justice. The fact that I could tell the chicken had been thrown in a microwave and had a slimy film covering it was just disgusting. I mean, I should have known, it's Burger King....not Salad King. Into the trash the salad went. I was going to wing it.

Bottom line, not great at winging it yet. I could wing a great meal before I started this, some chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, and maybe some veggies. I stood in my kitchen looking around like some food was just going to jump out of the air for me to eat. I stood too long. Finally decided to eat some bacon(which I decided to cook in the oven for the first time), eggs and fruit. The bacon cooking took longer than expected and baby girl was having a rough night, so no eggs and no fruit. Sad to say, I ate 3 pieces of bacon(when it finally finished cooking) and a glass of whole chocolate milk. Lame? Yes. Lesson learned? I hope so!

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