Thursday, December 2, 2010

carbs, carbs, and CARBS OH MY!!

Yesterday was not too bad. I did have a fun size Kit Kat--grrr....but it is OK. Dinner was a challenege, my husband does not gain weight (yet) and he eats whatever his little heart desires and he is heating up pizza last night and it looked so good! But I told myself I could do it. I had to call Beth for some eating tips because I am still not sure about the wrongs and rights. So when all else fails, EGGS! I ate eggs last night with a yogurt. I always think that won't be enough because for some reason I feel I have to stuff myself at dinner. I was not hungry after my meal and I did not have to feel guilty. WHOO HOO! As I was looking through my pantry this morning I realize that I have carbs everywhere! Cereal, toast, bagels, breakfast bars OH MY! Luckily I still had a couple of protein shakes in my fridge so I grabbed one of those. I have a big jar of mixed nuts at school that I can snack on. I need to go to the store and get some food!
Here is my updated info (with my exact weight)
Age: 24
Height: 5'5
Weight: 157.2
Goal Weight: 140

I realize I want to lose 17 lbs and I don't expect to do it ALL this month but if I can get on the right track then I can do that in a couple of months.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kit-Kat=BADDDDD :) Remember this isn't a's a lifestyle change!