Tuesday, December 7, 2010


It started off as a good day today. I slipped some jeans on that are usually pretty snug around my waist and they fit so much better! It is amazing, just 6 days of laying off of the sugar and carbs and I am feeling a change in my body. I haven't completely given up on carbs, I had a few pretzels and a Luna bar or two but I am saying no to the bread, cereal and chips. Sometimes it is hard during lunch because I like just a typical sandwich and chips but I find something else and am equally satisfied. Last night I cooked tacos and I just made shells for Dane and I ate the meat and cheese, and it was GOOD. I really did like it. I did not stuff myself but did not leave myself starving. This is a concept I am learning.
But there is progress being made and can't wait for the 30 day results!
Whoo Hoo!

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