Monday, December 27, 2010


That is what I feel like I need after the last four and a half days! My planned 2 days of gluttony turned into double that. It's just so hard to say no when tons of homemade goodies are shoved in your face (okay...I may be exaggerating a little...they weren't SHOVED in my face, it was more like I went on a search to find them, but that's beside the point). I'm not sure how much weight I gained, but I'm sure it's not good. I'll probably weight myself in the morning when I go workout. And then I will go cry by myself somewhere dark...

Alas, I do have a couple of observations from these past few days. I promise I'll make them short and sweet.

Once you fall off the wagon, it's hard to say no. I actually think I fell off the wagon and then it backed over me a few times and now it's dragging me alongside it.

Once I let myself have that first cracker with spread on it, it was over after that. So hard I worked to get the demons out and how quickly they return with a vengeance!

I realized how bad I felt after eating nothing but sugar and grains for 4 days straight. Low energy, mental fuzziness, tired, upset stomach, bloated, and that's just a few. I think the biggest thing was how much my stomach and gut HATED me. I would eat a meal laden with carbs and then would feel horrible. I mean, run to the bathroom horrible...not a fun feeling! (<---TMI, I know)

I'm ready to get back on the gluten free wagon, hopefully I still have the strength to pull myself up. Although I am finding it harder to do. Convenience has taken over and I don't want to put in the effort to think about what I'm eating. I think I'm going to try some new recipes and see what happens.

Technically I only have 3 more days in my challenge, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to extend it indefinitely and see what happens.

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