Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I forgot to post my "weigh-in" from last Thursday. So I weighed in this morning at Atomic, the verdict...


Even with my McDonald's debauchery last week, I'm still losing. I'm officially down a total of 4.5 lbs. I know that most of it has been water weight, but it still feels good to be able to take off some weight. I've honestly been struggling with this last 10 lbs since about December of last year. It's the remainder of the baby weight I had from Ansley. I think that I was so accustomed to eating semi-healthy and staying active that I could really eat what I wanted and stay about the same. My body has changed a bit since she was born and I was having some issues accepting that and realizing that I will have to really pay attention to what I'm putting in my body. 

I wish I could say this it's ONE diet/ eating plan that's doing it, but honestly I've found something that works for me. It's not a magic formula, or a pill, or a person. It's just me, being aware of what I'm putting into my body.  I haven't totally eliminated all sugars, I still eat fruit, have sweet tea occasionally and eat dark chocolate, but the sheer fact that I've cut out all the excess snacking (which was usually crackers, cookies, etc.) has made all the difference in the world. Another FANTASTIC part about what I'm doing is that I have not counted a single calorie since I've been doing this. My dietary past is one of either counting calories or weighing and measuring everything. It's been quite relaxing to look at the content and quality rather than the numbers. 

I'm starting to feel stronger and lighter in my workouts. Yesterday I had one of the best performances that I've ever had in Crossfit. I pushed myself harder and longer than I used to be able to handle. My body is loving this no-gluten, low sugar thing! 

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