Wednesday, December 1, 2010

And it begins!

As you can see from Beth's post we are trying to lose the weight in the hardest month of the year. We can do it! I figure if I can lose the weight this month the other 11 months will be a breeze! I am a sucker for sweets and carbs! If someone told me to lay off of the fast food, NO PROBLEM! But when someone tells me no bread or no sugar I look at them like they are crazy. This challenge will be difficult for me but I know I can do it! I know if I stick to this and keep up my Crossfit training and running then I can get where I need to be. I am NOT going on a diet I am making a lifestyle change! Beth and I are creating habits, right Beth?!?! I am not sure of my weight, I will weigh tomorrow and post (AHH SCARY).

Here is my info so far:
Age: 24
Height: 5'5
Weight: unknown- 155ish? Will let you know tomorrow!
Goal Weight: 140

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