Wednesday, December 1, 2010


My sister, Jamie, and I have decided that it's finally time to quit our whining and complaining and make a commitment to eating better foods and cutting out the sugar. This blog is our accountability partner and log of our journey.

With the holidays upon us, we think we are a little be crazy to start this now, but why wait any longer. We've talked and made some allowances for treats here and there, but no more gorging ourselves on a half dozen cookies or eating our way through a bowl of cookie dough.

I am already making a resolution to eat no burger/ french fry combos between now and the end of the month. This is going to be tough, because my husband and I eat out quite often. This will force me to be prepared with foods that I can fix quickly to feed myself, my husband and our 19-month old daughter.

Here is where I am starting...
Age: 29
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 150.5lbs (12/1/10)
Goal Weight: 140lbs

I guess my goal in all of this is to find a way to be healthy, happy and also look-good (face it...vanity is evil!).


1 comment:

Grace Patenaude said...

This blog is pure awesomeness! This comes without saying (typing), I will be following two of my favorite girls' blog for sure :)