Saturday, November 19, 2011

We're Back?

Jamie texted me today and mentioned bringing back the Sugar Babies blog. So I just sat and read what we did almost exactly a year ago. Many things have changed since last December! I'm am approximately 3 weeks away from the arrival of my second child and Jamie will be welcoming a daughter in March.

We have both been far from being paleo, low carb, gluten free or whatever. There is something about being pregnant that tells your brain "eat what you are carrying another human inside your body". I've been lucky that this pregnancy has been the complete opposite of my first one. Not as much weight gain (I'm around 30lbs right now) and little to no swelling. So I've been able to continue to workout a few times a week.

I have set a lofty goal for myself after the baby arrives, I want to get back into competition shape to compete in the cross fit regionals and be on our ACF Crossfit Games team. Qualifying starts about 6 weeks after the baby is due. I'm hoping that I can get the eating and schedule under control to achieve this goal. Might just have to bring the blog back for that!

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