Thursday, March 17, 2011

Feels good to be back......

Yess! I am so excited we are typing on this again. Great accountability! Thank you to all of our 4 readers out there. Once again I hope you're entertained with the inner battles with the Hinshaw girls (chocolate, cake, brownies, bread....ahhh).


Since the last post(s) I have not been as disciplined as I was when typing on the blog. If I can lose weight during December with the free flowing of cookies and candy then I know I can do it any month of the year! I've gotten some great pointers from Beth and from Grace and feel I'm better prepared for the changes! Am I perfect, well...YES! J/K, most definitely NOT :) but at least with the website I know I have to make it public knowledge that I ate like doo doo the day before! At least it makes me think twice!

Until next time.....stay classy San Diego!

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