Friday, January 7, 2011


I wish I could tell you that I've been perfectly primal the last few days, but such a thing is not true. My emotions and some other things got the best of me and I pretty much had a binge. Anything and everything sweet and loaded with wheat, corn, and/or rice was on the menu. It got pretty bad and I felt VERY bad.

I'm not sure if it was the eating that made me feel bad or the fact that I was having some "female issues" (sorry guys...). It's the age old question of what came first, the chicken or the egg? Needless to say, I've cleaned up my act in the last couple of days and am feeling much better.

I think the most interesting thing I've eaten in the last few days (and I was pretty much at an all time low), was lunch the other day consisted of a bag of chili cheese Fritos and a Twix bar...Really...

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