Sunday, January 2, 2011


Well obviously the 30 days is up from our original challenge. I am reflecting on the highs and lows of this month. I started off doing great. The first couple of weeks were definitely difficult but I stuck with the carb-free and sugar-free for the most part. After the first 2 weeks I felt my defenses wearing down. When we got out for the holidays Dane and I went to visit his family. I was pretty good about carbs but not so great about sugar. But still I felt OK and still felt improvements with my body. Then Christmas Eve and Christmas were our cheat days and I took full advantage. After our cheat days I was way off of the wagon. I would tell myself to get back on it and I would start my day (breakfast) on the right track and even lunch was OK but then I threw some unnecessary snacks in there (not healthy) and dinner was a bust. I just did not have the motivation and I can feel it in my body. Needless to say the carb-free and sugar-free lifestyle does work for my body! I, along with Beth, will be doing the Crossfit Gluten free January!I know these eating habits change my body and I need to kick it into gear! So cheers to another 30 day challenge!!! Wish me luck! :)

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